Friday, November 03, 2006

This Ain't Your Daddy's Prohibition

Just when you thought it might be safe for our children at school, the Candyman strikes.

Maybe just appropriate for the Halloween season, maybe just plain apropos. The Seattle Times ran a article yesterday on a specific school's policy towards sweets and other unhealthy snacks. Ingraham High School, of Seattle Public Schools, passed a rule banning sweets and unhealthy snacks, The schools have candy and snack machines, they're just full of bran flakes and bottled water. Blech! One student took this as an opportunity to test his entrepreneurial skills, he became the black market source for candy in school. The funny part is that not only is the newspaper protecting his identity, so are the school's teachers. Apparently, they buy on the black market as well and do not want to give up their source.

On the downside, he almost got busted for dealing drugs when trying to sell a '100 Grand' bar, the teacher thought she heard '100 grams'.

On another note: ine benefit of having 4 children, is four candy bags to raid from?

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